Currently there are 1434 people in Austria who are tested positive. This is the first significant decrease in the number of infected people in weeks.
After the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Austria has been rising steadily recently, there is now a significant decrease for the first time in weeks. 1463 people are currently tested positive – 170 fewer than on Monday.
273 people are considered to have recovered, 104 new cases were added from Monday to Tuesday.
A comparable decrease in the number of cases was last seen at the end of May. On May 20, 204 people were considered to have recovered – but at that time only one new case was registered within 24 hours.
55 new cases were registered from Monday to Tuesday in Vienna, 22 in Upper Austria and 18 in Lower Austria.
In the other provinces the situation has largely calmed down. Burgenland reported two new cases and Carinthia four. Three cases were registered in Salzburg and one in Vorarlberg. In Tyrol and Styria there have been no official reports of new infections since Monday.
— Hector Pascua, Source:
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